A Journal on
Consciousness & Healing 

Is the violence that we witness outside of us separate from us?

Or are we clouded by illusions of separation within our already united and quantumly entangled Unified Field?

When we witness war, violence, and separation in our world there is only one path to unity...

All sides must embody unity within their being in order to co-create the expression of unity as a whole.

As we witness fractal patterns of trauma, anger, violence, judgment, and hatred in our collective consciousness, we are invited to witness these expressions in a spectrum within ourselves because they still exist within us all.

Our collective consciousness needs to witness our individual unrest fully as a whole, in order to expand beyond the repeated fractal patterns of our conditioning.

I'll repeat that…

Consciousness needs to witness our collective unrest fully within EVERY individual, as we EACH make up the wholeness of OUR Unified Field.

As we all take ownership of embodying this fully in our lives, then consciousness collectively expands in harmony.

Any spectrum of...

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Parents: How to Guide Your Children Through Perceived 'Bad Thoughts'

Without bypassing their emotions and empowering them to utilize and integrate the intelligence of Life Force in their DNA within our Unified Field.

My love Amanda-Lee and I will be ready to have children next year, so this is ripe on our minds which is why I feel called to speak on this topic.

A dear friend and father sent me an IG Reel with a beautiful mother and child sharing their practice of what to do with bad thoughts...

Now while of course every parent should be honored to do what they feel is right for their family... I am not writing this to judge any parent with their own practices.

I am sharing this to educate those open to another perspective, based on my experience from the hundreds of clients I have worked with over the years who are parents, working through collective subconscious blocks with their children, and the deeper energetics of human conditioning within the quantum construct of our Unified Field.

There is a lot of uninitiated shallow misunderstanding and...

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For Advanced Level Coaches/Practitioners, Here's Why Your Impact is Plateauing...

At a mastery level, relying on guidance from a coach or therapist can prevent you from merging in union with life's intelligence to expand beyond limited human conditioning.

Read on for why...

At beginner to intermediate levels, of course, you can find some level of safety and clarity from working with a mindset coach, therapist, or practitioner.

However, this is where codependently working with someone to analyze your life from the outside restricting the expansion of your impact and legacy.

The energetic reality is there is no separation between you and your challenges, as your challenges are a direct expression of you.

Your disconnection from the full energetic expression of any challenge as it arises is disabling your ability to collect vital energetic data the moment it arises.

The moment you separate the challenge from yourself you are not able to see the fullness of the problem as a whole expression of energy in your life.

You have compartmentalized the problem which blinds...

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