A Journal on
Consciousness & Healing 

Parents: How to Guide Your Children Through Perceived 'Bad Thoughts'

Without bypassing their emotions and empowering them to utilize and integrate the intelligence of Life Force in their DNA within our Unified Field.

My love Amanda-Lee and I will be ready to have children next year, so this is ripe on our minds which is why I feel called to speak on this topic.

A dear friend and father sent me an IG Reel with a beautiful mother and child sharing their practice of what to do with bad thoughts...

Now while of course every parent should be honored to do what they feel is right for their family... I am not writing this to judge any parent with their own practices.

I am sharing this to educate those open to another perspective, based on my experience from the hundreds of clients I have worked with over the years who are parents, working through collective subconscious blocks with their children, and the deeper energetics of human conditioning within the quantum construct of our Unified Field.

There is a lot of uninitiated shallow misunderstanding and...

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