A Journal on
Consciousness & Healing 

What I've Learned About True Union from My Love, Amanda Lee, Texas, and Chris Stapleton

For 10 months I have been in Texas committed to healing the last ripples of imbalanced energies, that up until now at 47 years old, have held me back from loving union.\

There is a healthy masculine family-driven energy here in Austin, Texas, along with grounded male friendships that have been very healing as I grew up without a father who was schizophrenic and homeless at times.

Generally, I have found more mirrors of healthy union here in Texas that I did not find in my 20 years in New York City (more on that another day...).

My challenges with partnership began growing up as an only child in the suburbs of Mississauga, Ontario Canada, without a father and a single mother who worked so hard to keep us off welfare.

I didn't grow up in an environment to learn what true union was. But it was the perfect environment to catalyze decades of trauma bonds.

There is a Chris Stapleton song called FIRE AWAY that has hit me recently and is perfectly timed as we witnessed Chris's brilliance...

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