A Journal on
Consciousness & Healing 

How Holotropic Breathwork & EFT Practices Can Distract Us From Life's Intelligence

Consciousness wants to witness all energetic sensations arising within us, especially suppressed collective trauma in our cells.

When stresses in our life arise as tensions in our body, these energetic tensions are merely Life Intelligence inviting us to witness them. Consciousness wants to merge with every energetic expression as One with us.

But when we suppress/bypass deeper emotions then Consciousness cannot see itself clearly through our collective experience and provide more Vital Life Force for our expansion.

You unconsciously create a blind spot where

Consciousness cannot see clearly the core problem and it cannot offer a corrected algorithmic path to iterate it's fractal expansion. So you repeat the old fractal pattern.

Your clear sight in a hyper-present now moment is what offers immediate transformation into new fractal timelines.

But when we suppress/bypass deeper emotions then Consciousness cannot see itself clearly through our collective experience and provide more...

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