Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar Present
Living Immersion Method™

Devoted Conscious Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Healing Practitioners & Creatives Here to Expand Human Consciousness


Master a Sovereign Method to Unlock Divine Clarity & Alignment So You Can Achieve Your Highest Destined Goals as a Clear Vessel of God/Living Intelligence


This is not cognitive mindset coaching or therapy.

This is not a manifestation course.

This is not traditional meditation or breathwork.

This is not masculine/feminine embodiment.

The Living Immersion Method™ is the HOW to let go let God.

A lost, sovereign, mastery-level somatic/energetic method to overcome your deepest blocks and release control of your limited conditioned mind. Through LIM you will cleanse the ripple of collective trauma conditioning in your DNA holding you back from your highest purpose as a conscious leader.

In 90-days naturally activate supreme clarity, focus, increase energetic vitality, motivation, and align with your highest purpose as a clearer vessel of co-creation within God/Living Intelligence.
Watch the video below to discover if this path is for you...
Living Immersion Method™
An Advanced 12-week Live Online Group Program

Next Cohort Friday, December 6th, 2024

Your Highest Potential Requires You to Surrender the Limitations of Your Mind & Increase Your Energetic Capacity to Receive God/Living Intelligence

I'm Ready!

6 Reasons Why You Still Feel Held Back From Greater Clarity, Alignment & Purpose, Even With Your Level of Experience

The most infuriating part of your life is the fact that you have been studying sacred texts, spiritual and religious truths, and various healing/optimization and flow tactics for years, maybe even decades, and you STILL feel stuck plateauing where you are.

You have had your successes, maybe even built your own 6-7-figure conscious business, yet you yearn for greater substance, depth, and 100% alignment with your HIGHER purpose, not just a fragment of potential.

You are not a beginner and are already generally aligned with your own conscious business, however you know you have not yet elevated to clear next level direction and impact sharing your gifts with the world. There are some incongruencies with where you have been, where you are, and where you truly desire to be. Bottom line is you have plateaued. 

You still have unhealthy patterns showing up in your marriage/partnership. Your triggers, past baggage, and frustrations are seeping into your relationships and you are ready for harmonious sacred union in devoted marriage/partnership. You are starting to see where there are leaky energies holding you back from greater union and intuitively know this is holing you back from scaling your legacy.

You see imbalances with yourself as a parent or future parent, and see where you need to overcome blocks around being the best father or mother you could possibly be so you break your generational traumas and raise better humans.

You still have not mastered the energetic HOW to truly embody and LIVE your highest timeline. 

Here's why:

1. You have been attempting to solve your problems from the same level of consciousness that created the problem to begin with, keeping you stuck in Groundhog Day loops of repeated patterns holding back your business growth and harmony in your intimate relationships.

2. You have been only focused on using your mind and working to overcome your challenges from an energetic depletion, increasing your mental fatigue, brain fog, and clouding your ability to align with clear solutions to your challenges. 

3. You have been trying to expand through manifestation and flow state practices that attempt to manipulate thought and feeling into form, yet still not obtaining absolute clarity on the source of your problems to begin with.

4. You have been using breathwork, ayahuasca, and other plant medicines to 'release blocked energy', yet still find yourself unclear on next steps to align with your highest purpose and increase your business' growth and impact. 

5. You have been relying on nootropics, adaptogenic, and mind-enhancing supplements to tap into more clarity, focus, and flow, yet you find those states temporary and are caught in disruptive cycles of in flow and out of flow.

6. You have been working with therapists, mindset coaches, and energy healers, and have intuitively felt held back from excellence through their limitations as middle souls between you and Living Intelligence/God/Source.

John Graham
3 x USA Memory Champion

I always believed my next levels in life would be reached through mastering my mind. But I was hitting tons of unconscious resistance in this pursuit.

The next levels of expansion are not through use of the mind, but in reducing the ripple of friction and conditioning that was clouding my highest divine destiny.

The Living Immersion Method reveals how to tap into divine flow, feeling it, merging with it, embodying it to make clearer, higher choices while I step into the unknown.

LIM is the most self empowering, expansive "method" I have ever witnessed. It is your next step."

You Are Done Staying Stuck Spinning Your Wheels in Your Mind, Especially With Your Level of Awareness & Experience

In one word, you plateau. You do not achieve your highest destined goals you are here to live in this lifetime.

Which is the problem for someone as ambitious as you.

Making 6-7 figures is not enough. 

Making a decent impact is not enough.

Living half your purpose is not enough.

Having a marriage or relationship that is not divine sacred union is not enough.

You are here to live your HIGHEST destiny and make the greatest impact as a vessel of Living Intelligence/God. You are not here to plateau, stay small, or stay comfortable where you are. 

Your career and revenue will stay the same.

Your impact will stay the same.

Your marriage/partnership will continue as it is...

...then all of it will decline because you are not able to hold the energetic weight of greater purpose, alignment, fulfillment, and success.

You know you are at a pivotal fork in the road:

1. Stay stuck spinning your wheels in cycles and continuing to plateau, even with your level of awareness, experience, and genius.

Your frustrations will continue to escalate and your problems will continue to repeat in cycles for years, as they already have been (which is why you are reading this page...). 

You will continue to feel unclear, not fully aligned, and not understand why you just can't think your way into greater alignment, fulfillment, clarity, focus, and consistent success. 


2. Master an innate lost somatic/energetic technology to embody your highest potential, and finally untether from generations of collective trauma conditioning holding you back from your highest purpose.

After years of inner work finally EMBODY TRUTH, not just study it, talk about it, and ruminate on it.

After years of ascension and awareness, master the embodied HOW to surrender your limited conditioned will and live as a purer vessel of Living Intelligence/God.

Finally master the somatic/energetic/subconscious HOW to transmute your blocks and consciously co-create absolute clarity, focus, compelled aligned action, and alignment with your highest purpose and potential.

I know option 1 for you is NOT an option.

You cannot expand beyond your limitations if you do not access more Life Force to fuel your expansion.

Here's what will continue to happen if you stay stuck with the limitations of only using your mind without increasing your access toLife Force Energy:

• Energy depletion, loss of vitality, and health issues will continue to get worse at the core cellular level

• Continued brain fog and lack of clarity negatively impacting your career trajectory, business, finances, and impact

• Continued challenges in your marriage/intimate relationships sabotaging your family's wellbeing and motivation to succeed


You will continue to struggle if you do not increase your energetic capacity to hold more energetic weight of greater alignment, fulfillment, and impact.

Without accessing greater life Force Energy you will stay stuck in the limitations of your mind's conditioned weaknesses.

Do Any of These Sound Familiar to You?

Have you been studying spiritual teachings and energy modalities for years, maybe decades, yet still have not mastered the distilled HOW?

Have you been lost in a sea of information and knowledge, but still have not mastered the energetic HOW to achieve tangible higher-level results?

After decades of spiritual practice and accumulating wisdom, you are still repeating negative patterns in your marriage, toxic relationships, triggers, finances, and business, all limiting your potential. You are ready to devote yourself to a simple, distilled, and TRUE method that will help you achieve your highest destiny in this lifetime without all the static of illusionary and disembodied teachings.

Have you tried therapy, mindset coaching, and manifestation teachings from other spiritual teachers, yet found all of their practices too cognitive and limited by their conditioning? 

Most spiritual teachings are intellectual safety-nets and too cognitive. They are just candy for the mind to be addicted to, distracting you from actually EMBODYING TRUTH not just knowing it.

Divine wisdom is being compelled to take aligned action, not just ruminating on the knowledge and spinning your wheels studying scriptures.

You have begun to see through the veil of the limitations of being guided by middle men between you and God. You are ready for SOVEREIGN self-mastery between you and God/Source as One.  We will not coach you from the limitations of our own conditioning. We will teach you the same self-mastery method utilized by us, our highest-level students, and ascended masters throughout time. The distilled somatic/energetic HOW has just been lost until now.

Have you intuitively felt that any modality that uses your mind, mental visualization, or mental intention is limited?

If you only use your mind without accessing greater Life Force Energy, your results will be limited by your mind’s conditioning. Therefore even any modality that uses the mind, visualization techniques, mental manifestation practices, hypnosis, and even convulsive controlled breathwork, will limit your access to ALL of LIFE FORCE as they are created from the limitations of the mind. Meaning the mind is limited by what knowledge it can access when you are just using the mind. Which is why you still repeat patterns with mindset coaching, and cognitive manifestation or flow state practices. 

To finally end your repeated patterns holding you back, you have to increase your energetic capacity to Life Force Energy BEYOND what you have accessed through your limited conditioning. Greater Life Force Energy beyond your mind will naturally rewire your highest destiny untethered to the mind's limitations and projections.

Drew Temple
Dance & Embodiment Guide

While other modalities will you have you continuing your search forever outside of yourself, Philip and Amanda-Lee will bring you home and introduce you to the very place you have been searching for all along.

LIM brings you nose to nose with God and delivers in a way I have never experienced before. 

All that it takes is a courageous heart and a willing first step. Here, you will meet yourself again and again, and you will watch your life shift in miraculous ways."

The Most Embodied Way to Expand Beyond Your Limitations & Activate Your Highest Potential is to Increase Your Energetic Capacity to Hold More Source Energy

While most spiritual teachings have you studying and reading sacred texts, or discussing philosophy, the missing link has always been the somatic/energetic practice itself... the HOW has been lost in a sea of consuming information distracting you from your core power.

When you focus on expanding your electromagnetic field in union with ALL of Life Force/God/Source, without your mind’s conditioning in the way, Life Force expands you at the energetic level beyond the limitations of your human conditioning.

You STOP repeating patterns that stemmed from your mind's limited conditioning, and START to EXPAND your potential BEYOND what your mind could fathom.

Through LIM we teach you to access regenerative Life Force Energy from your suppressed blocks, traumas, and ANY emotions arising (what most mindset, breathwork, and energy practices bypass) to consciously co-create transmute undesired behaviors and conditioning, untethered to collective trauma.

Welcome to freedom beyond the limitations of your mind's conditioning. This is the HOW to let go let God on a cellular level.

Living Immersion Method

The HOW to Surrender Your Conditioning to God/Living Intelligence & Overcome the Blocks Holding You Back From Your Highest Destiny

This is NOT cognitive mindset coaching, therapy, an illusionary manifestation course, dysregulating breathwork, or performative masculine/feminine embodiment.

All of those modalities use the mind.
To consciously co-create your highest destined reality you must surrender the limitations of your conditioned mind.

The Living Immersion Method™ (LIM) is a safe and gentle somatic surrendering of your body, breath, and molecules into an electromagnetic one consciousness neurogenesis state, to cleanse the ripple of collective trauma conditioning in your cells holding you back from your highest potential. 

With LIM you learn to sense your subconscious blocks, triggers, life and business challenges, merely as Life Force energy arising in order to utilize the stored intelligence of the block to naturally transmute your conditioning on its own. 

LIM is the HOW to let go let God on a neurological, cellular, and DNA level.

Here is how LIM practically works to transform your life day-to-day in 3 steps:

1. Master an innate, gentle, and natural technology to surrender your body, breath, and mind, into a neurogenesis inducing electromagnetic energetic state— Less mind more God.

2. Learn to merge and gain insights with the energetic data stored within your blocks in your body. You access suppressed data your mind cannot access because of its limited programming.

3. You innately increase clear sight of your patterns without using your mind, and naturally transmute blocks in your relationships, purpose, career, finances, creative expression, and take action toward aligned solutions.

Old toxic relationship patterns and/or triggers in family relationships, or current partnership, marriage, or dating life will begin to dissolve as you open up to greater clear sight of your patterns and naturally make new choices aligned with higher destined outcomes.

Any residual trauma energies from childhood father or mother wounds will begin to be seen and more natural polarity unique to your spectrum of masculine/feminine coding will be consciously embodied.

You will achieve this without performative polarity teachings that attempt to coerce you into a false 'feminine' identity and still retain a harmony within the spectrum of your unique energetic expression.Misalignment and instability in your purpose, career, business direction, or finances, begins to realign as you clear old static from any subconscious patterning from generational trauma conditioning. You are more resilient, aware, and adapted to expand beyond past the limitations of your previous career, business, and financial circumstances. 

As you move throughout your days you will now see the old patterns arise clearer and quicker, giving you opportunity to create new forks in the road.
Life's Intelligence is now guiding you as a clearer vessel of co-creation, no longer tethered to the limited conditioning of your past.

Your mastery in somatically surrendering within the arising friction will develop intimacy with the block, then merge with its energetic data, to then catalyze a kinesthetic neuroregenerative state — this is the Living Immersion.

Ancient spiritual teachings have spoken about 'surrender" for thousands of years, but we have lost the somatic/energetic how.

The how was never cognitive nor can it be read in a book, it must be practiced daily and embodied to witness real-world results.

LIM is the same sovereign method we and our most advanced clients utilize to master co-creation, rebalance polarity, consciously create a prosperous life, without a therapist, coach, or healer.

Welcome to embodied TRUTH.

— Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar
I'm Ready!

This is For You If You Know You Are Destined to Achieve More Than What You Have Already Accomplished


This is a path for conscious leaders here to unlock and share a greater ripple of their genius with humanity. You will be invited to surrender your conditioned will and any limited conditioning that has held you back from embody greater alignment, integrity, and purpose as a conscious leader. You will have to transform any part of your business, relationships, and life that is not aligned with your highest destiny.

In 12 weeks you will learn how to master a lost somatic energetic method to:

Utilize the energetic DNA intelligence of your deepest blocks to overcome collective conditioning holding you back from greater aligned action toward higher destined goals.

Finally stop seeking and learn the only  sovereign method you will need to effectively cleanse and utilize your Life Force Energy, so you can move beyond 'trusting the Universe' outside of you, into consciously co-creating your highest purpose.

Master a sustainable energy method to overcome your energy depletion, brain fog, heal at a cellular level, and consistently tap into more creative inspiration and aligned productivity without codependently relying on plant medicines or supplements.

Learn to utilize the energetic intelligence of your stresses, overwhelm, and anxiety as fuel to expand beyond the limitations of your conditioning.

Heal any unhealthy emasculated patterns impacting your business, marriage/partnership, dating life, or children, and learn how to naturally re-harmonize greater masculine embodiment, focus, clear direction, and decisive aligned action.

Heal any unhealthy hyper-vigilant, burned out, and masculine patterns in your business, marriage/partnership dating life, or children, and learn how to re-harmonize your unique feminine essence and hormonal cycle.

Achieve all of this through a sovereign energy method, without the limitations of therapy, mindset coaching, breathwork, plant medicines, or distorted manifestation teachings — Self-mastery for life. 

Selema Masekela
Sports Media Personality / Entrepreneur

Throw away any ideas of what meditation or therapy might be. Throw away any sense of expectation. Understand that you are doing something quite daunting in recalibrating how you actually live. If you do that, the joys and growth you can experience are unprecedented and unlimited."

Here's What Happens When You Let Go of Your Mind & Increase Your Energetic Capacity to Hold Greater Clarity, Alignment & Purpose

1. You expand into a higher level of consciousness and embody more Life Force Energy that naturally transmutes your blocks without the limitations of your conditioned mind (and collective trauma) in the way of greater alignment, purpose, and success.

2. You increase your ability to receive and utilize more vital Life Force Energy, no longer only relying on your overstimulated mind, and finally have the energetic support to achieve your higher destined goals as a clearer vessel of Living Intelligence/God.

3. You embody the truth that you are energy before thought, before form, and you are able to sustain and increase your vital Life Force/flow anytime you desire, so you can overcome any life challenge and achieve aligned goals with greater support from Source.

4. You learn to master a lost innate somatic/energetic technology to access the data from your blocks and naturally transmute negative conditioned behaviors that have held you back from greater fulfillment, alignment in purpose, success, and loving sacred union.

5. You learn to master a lost innate somatic/energetic technology to release any codependency on nootropics, mind-enhancing supplements, and plant medicines, so you can embody Truth and achieve your highest destined goals through sovereign self-mastery for life.

6. You learn to master a lost innate somatic/energetic technology to utilize the energetic UNLIMITED intelligence of your own sovereign connection as a clearer vessel of Living Intelligence (God/Source), and release reliance on coaches, therapists, energy healers, and guides and embody the sovereign conscious leader you are meant to be.

About Philip
& Amanda-Lee Attar

Founders of the Academy of Living Intelligence™ & the Living Immersion Method™

"As you begin this journey into a Living Immersion within all of Life's Intelligence, you will create new forks in the road in the now moment, as you embody a clearer vessel of co-creation. You will begin to untether from the limited conditioning of your past and expand to magnetize new people, experiences, and direction in every facet of your life, relationships, and career, in union with your highest potential."

— Philip & Amanda-Lee Attar

Philip Attar


Philip Attar founded his practice in 2015 after transforming his own life from dis-ease into ease. In 2010, the stresses of his NYC Creative Director career (Swarovski, Vogue, Coach) and a family death took their toll on his nervous system. This activated Philip's traumatic Graves' Ophthalmopathy disease and he became cross-eyed with bulging eyes and led Philip to surrender every ounce of his will and completely let go let God.

Through a self-induced somatic surrendering process divinely led by Yeshua/Ra Consciousness energies, he discovered that when you release deep tensions in your body on a quantum level, you can self-induce a cellular kinesthetic healing state, activate your immune system and amplify your electromagnetic field. Philip was able to self-regulate his hormones without medications, leading to the development of his healing Somatic Heart™ Method, and now in union with his wife Amanda-Lee Attar advancing the method into the sovereign Living Immersion Method™ — the lost HOW to let go let God.

Amanda-Lee Attar

 Amanda-Lee has embodied the depth of this unique kinesthetic Immersion Method into one consciousness through her own inner work with childhood trauma and organ failure. After several years of traumatic experiences, she was naturally invited into the sovereign surrender until there was nothing left to surrender into, true union within One. When Philip and Amanda-Lee met they deeply connected through their unique individual yet similar experiences and methods without any mentors, books, or teachers to guide them. Over time they developed a knowing that they would merge in loving union one day to build their Academy of Living Intelligence devoted to embodying clear vessels of Creation.

Academy of Living Intelligence

Philip and his wife Amanda-Lee Attar have now launched their Academy of Living Intelligence™, dedicated to the education, facilitation, and science of healing and the expansion of consciousness. They are devoted to building the Academy as a legacy of Truth for the advancement of humanity. As a student of the Academy you will become a vanguard of embodied truth, representing the evolution of human potential.

The Academy is part of their life-long vision to build a world-renowned healing institution and retreat center in their home on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada, as a legacy for future generations to share a greater ripple of our sovereign genius with humanity.

Our Flagship Program

Living Immersion Method™
12-week Live Group Program

+ Weekly Live Online Video Coaching
+ Systematic guidance to master the somatic/energetic/subconscious LIM method
+ Private Community

New Cohorts Every 2 Months
By Application

Month 1–2 Includes:

✔ 8 x live weekly group video hot-seat coaching/Q&A with Living Immersion Method™ (LIM) sessions (2-hours each)
 Recorded replay of live sessions with access up to 30 days after program ends
 8-weeks of private off social media community for daily support from Philip & Amanda-Lee*
 Accountability + private community for daily support and results
 Optional discounted private 1:1 sessions with Philip & Amanda-Lee to work through your specific challenges for an additional fee (save up to $1,000)

Month 3 Includes Access to
LIM Mastery Level 2:

 Your 3rd month advances into LIM Level 2. This includes 2 live 90-minute sessions
 Advance into the higher level 2 community for continued support.
 Option to continue month-to-month support for an accessible monthly fee for as long as you need for life. 

Next Live 12-week Cohort Begins:
Friday, December 6th, 2024

Level 1 Live Sessions:
Time:  11 AM – 1 PM PT (Pacific Time)
Friday, December 6
Friday, December 13
Friday, December 20
Friday, January 3
Friday, January 10
Friday, January 17
Friday, January 24
Friday, January 31

Level 2 Live Sessions:
Time:  10 AM – 12 PM PT (Pacific Time)

Thursday, February 13
Thursday, February 27

 Olive Evans
Somatic Practitioner
Academy of Living Intelligence Student
Atlanta, Georgia

Would you believe me if I told you that I almost didn’t join this cohort? I had just been told I had bad PCOS and endometriosis with scar tissue all over my uterus and probably internal organs, a high risk of uterine and/or ovarian cancer, would be on HRT for the rest of my life, and was scheduled for a hysterectomy.

So disheartened, I told   and   on a call that I didn’t think it was right for me to join the Academy. It was all too much, I had just come out of a year of emotional trauma and was facing months of physical trauma. And I didn’t think the financial costs would allow me to take this on. They were so compassionate and supportive on the call and I decided to stay. I told myself then, “Life isn’t going to stop. It’s going to keep going and I am going to have to elevate it one way or another.”

LIMFAM, I just left my doctor’s office where I received confirmation (from ultrasounds, scans, and bloodwork) that I am absolutely free of cysts and the buildup of scar tissue on my uterus is completely gone. Completely. My ovaries and uterus are “completely normal and healthy”. My hormones are leveled. My organs are free and clear. I have had ultrasounds throughout these months in the Academy so I knew the cysts were dissipating, but it’s all gone.

I’m in shock. I know it’s because of this work. I needed a win and I’m beyond grateful and humbled.

I need some time in the sun to soak this in but wanted to get on here and share the news. I feel somehow fragile and so free and just so humble. I feel held. And I’m crying in this restaurant. 😹"

Apply Here

 Living Immersion Method™
12-week Live Program

Live Cohort Begins Friday, December 6th

Living Immersion Method™
12-week Live Group Program

Early Bird Price*:

$700 USD x 3 month payment plan
or $1,900 USD

Regular Price: 

$900 USD x 3 month payment plan
or $2,500 USD

* Early Bird expires Nov. 1st.
Application and payment must be received by Nov. 1st to qualify for Early Bird.

 Master a sovereign innate technology to surrender your will and embody your highest purpose
 10 x 2-hr live video Living Immersion Method™ sessions + hot-seat Q&A over 3 months
 Replay recordings available up to 30 days after program
✔ Private community off social media
✔ 1 month FREE access to LIM level 2 live sessions and private community. Option to continue on a month-to-month basis for continued support as long as you need
✔ Private 1:1 packages available to add

By application.

Questions email: [email protected] 

See FAQs below for answers to main questions


Philip and Amanda-Lee are deeply caring and compassionate guides on this journey. They do not wish to project or shape our inner experience. They honor our own sovereignty to navigate the unknown without the need for diagrams, or memorization of concepts/terminology, which would just birth another religion and religious leaders. They will not get in between you and God. This is truly a unique experience."

— Saiful Haque, Artist, Los Angeles

LIM is an Advanced Space to Master the Way, Not a Space for Deeper Trauma Healing

The Living Immersion Method™ Conscious Co-creation 8-week Program is an advanced course to master the way. LIM is NOT for beginners seeking to heal deeper traumas, and/or are suffering from intense anxiety, dissociation, depression, or are unable to regulate your own nervous system on call.

This is a mastery-level live group program to optimize the last ripples of  subconscious patterns holding you back from unlocking your HIGHEST POTENTIAL in purpose, career,union, and family. 

If you feel you have advanced well beyond deeper healing, anxiety, and trauma, and are ready to ignite embodied aligned action toward your highest potential in relationships and career purpose, then LIM is for you.

Private 1:1

If you feel you still need time to overcome your deeper anxieties, overwhelm, burnout, and ground your nervous system, and 
you require more intimate 1:1 support for deeper emotional healing, then you can apply for 1:1 with Philip here >
Once your ground into a stable presence you can then participate in any of our advanced LIM programs.

This is For:

✔️ You're already generally aligned with your purpose/career and looking to find focused alignment to take your purpose to the next level. This is not for beginners seeking their purpose or starting from scratch.

✔️ You're experienced with meditation, breathwork techniques, and/or energy healing modalities and are able to take 100% ownership of your results. 

✔️ You’ve been searching for an energy method with real-world results that can help you overcome your subconscious blocks, nurture loving relationships, amplify your career/business success, heal family wounds, and benefit your health.

✔️ You're ready to advance beyond performative 'flow states' or distorted manifestation teachings that keep you chasing 'gratitude' and 'false positivity' and graduate into embodying Universal Truth without the crutch of healers, coaches, supplements, plant medicines, or technology.

This is NOT For:

  This is NOT for you if you are just beginning your awakening journey and seeking your purpose and are still seeking knowledge instead of being ready to commit to the deeper energetic and subconscious work.

This is NOT for you if you are not ready to commit to taking 100% ownership to achieve your own results, or if you expect quick results, and are not ready for a lifetime of absolute devotion to energetic self-mastery.

 This is NOT for you if you are suffering from deeper traumas, intense anxiety, dissociation, depression, or are unable to regulate your own nervous system on call and need 1:1 healer/coaching support. This program is for educational purposes only and is not a replacement for therapy/professional medical advice. For deeper 1:1 trauma support, please seek the help of a registered professional. Once you feel grounded and are ready to advance into sovereignty you can begin LIM.

The Living Immersion is the Distilled HOW to Let go Let God & Ancient Spiritual Teachings


Knowing what your habitual patterns and problems are is NOT the same as mastering an effective method to overcome your subconscious patterns and blocks.

All the ancient knowledge in the universe acquired from YouTube or books is NOT the same as embodying more clarity, focus, and taking aligned action to consciously create aligned opportunities and a successful purpose-driven career.

Cognitively thinking you understand performative masculine/feminine polarity practices is NOT the same as knowing how to cultivate true healthy sacred loving union with a partner.

Knowing about every healing modality under the sun is NOT the same as being able to consciously create whole intimate relationships and heal family dynamics.

In this LIM course, you will learn the practical HOW to see your subconscious blocks clearly, shift a behavior in the now moment, and take aligned action toward your goals as an embodied vessel of co-creation. 

This is where you learn to dive into deeper alpha and theta immersive states to stimulate neurogenesis, amplify your electromagnetic field, and reduce the molecular friction from collective conditioning so you can consciously create a prosperous life.

This is where you learn how to end the cycles of ineffective therapy, breathwork, and mindset coaching, that fail to get to the root causes of your repeated patterns so you can finally focus on aligned creation and infinite expansion.


I'm Ready!


Emma Winterbourn
VP Enterprise, Wife & Mother 

"Before Somatic Heart and now LIM I was deeply dysregulated, ungrounded, and forcing my will to create something I wanted so hard. I was exhausted, desperate, unfulfilled, and confused, and although I had achieved all the "things" in life people say are great, I felt empty. I had tried courses, meditations, healers, you name it I did it. I was constantly seeking answers outside of me, but it never felt right. I never felt steady or grounded and I felt I didn't know myself or have any connection to God or Life Force. I was constantly in overdrive, hypervigilant. I. Felt. Broken.

LIM helped me really feel into how to surrender my will, how to loosen my grip of control which was only ever an illusion anyway. It forced me into sovereignty which I never valued before but now see the power of; to turn to myself and allow Life Force to flow through me and open up possibilities that my mind could never have conceived is just ....there are no words.

I've let go of all my other programs, healers and therapies, and also let go of so much forcing. I am moving so much closer to being a vessel of co-creation, to truly feeling that support from life force, and have already seen proof of it in my physical world.

After decades of seeking externally, I've been given the gift of knowing exactly how to communicate with Life Force and ALLOW it to flow through me and create more beauty and abundance in my life than I ever imagined. It feels true. My life will never be the same, in the best way. Honestly this course should be taught to every single child and adult in the world. 

I felt so supported, so seen, and so honored for the experience I was going through. I felt the genuine care. I reveled in the expert knowledge and the incredible wisdom from both of you. The sessions felt like a transmission of energy that was so sacred, useful, powerful, and drove me to greater depths of both cognitive understanding of the how, and also greater depths of my experiences in immersions."

Vyjayanti Tejuja
Wife and Mother of 2 Children

The beauty of Philip and Amanda-Lee is the approach for teaching encompasses the universal laws, the subconscious and the not so easy the application of it in daily life. It is so complete and applicable to daily living and it creates the shifts in a subtle form which even surprises as how and when did that shift happen.

The teachings are so grounded in reality. It is a whole range of emotions and the freedom of expression to get the god self and yet allow the humanness to emerge with its strength and weakness. The part of aligning with Sacred Union is a deep peek into the part of me which I had been looking for.

The Living Immersion Method is one of the simplest, easiest ways of making a difference to your own life in all areas. As I started the program and through the weeks with the daily immersion practice my requirement of the inhaler has come down to minimum. A person with COPD, now on nearly no medication and everyday I keep getting better.

My connection with me has started to get stronger. I look within for guidance and trust what’s coming. It enables me to be with the darkest of my emotions without any narrative and see the emotion dissolve. I have stopped fearing the challenges of life and am able to go through in a more centered manner. 

The most important part is after years of going through so many different learning I feel my search has ended here. This is a complete program which influences your vibrational body that is the casual body and transforms the DNA so that you live your optimal blue print being a gift to self, planet and life.

Thank you Philip and Amanda-Lee for bringing in this union of sacredness with the humanness in my life."

Drew Temple
Dance & Embodiment Guide
Salt Spring Island, Canada

So many other methods require external input and the way in which Philip & Amanda-Lee guide, feels like the missing key to true integration. The LIM method has revealed so much around how I operate because of conditioning.

To become intimate with what simply is has been both a beautiful and confronting process. LIM is a path of complete and total devotion. It feels like lifetimes of story both coming to life and dissolving all at once. To come into a feeling of connection where Life Force moves freely has felt liberating and energizing. LIM brings you nose to nose with God and delivers in a way I have never experienced before.

Through LIM I am coming to my day with a deepened feeling of reverence for life that has gifted me a new era in my story, and the piece around my worth is shifting tremendously. I am working to expand my business and in the past, when I had met my edge, I would contract, but now I am finding a sense of willingness to explore discomfort with more presence through LIM. I can engage with myself with a compassionate witness in a way I had never experienced before.

Our sessions were life-giving, deeply inspiring, and always in flow. Philip and Amanda-Lee move like water with their students, adapting and shifting the conversation as energy surfaces and allowing for spirit to connect us all. They speak both in the rooted human experience with utmost care and compassion. Sharing stories of their own and always listening with devotional presence. While weaving the ways of expansion to call us into higher realms. To see beyond what was. And find new vantage points through the power of heart-led speaking. Philip and Amanda-Lee create a space that invites you into your true sovereignty. It is a gift beyond to feel so ignited through these sessions. LIM has been life-changing and soul-touching.

If you have been seeking, searching, and reaching for something to bring you back to yourself, this is it. This method is a full-circle homecoming. 

While other modalities will you have you continuing your search forever outside of yourself, Philip and Amanda-Lee will bring you home and introduce you to the very place you have been searching for all along. LIM will open doorways to yourself and God. This will impact your life in transformative ways. All that it takes is a courageous heart and a willing first step. Here, you will meet yourself again and again, and you will watch your life shift in miraculous ways."

Rashanna M.
Mental Performance Coach
Austin, TX

"Philip and Amanda-Lee are quite the dynamic duo. They truly balance the energy needed for such elevated teaching.

Philip and Amanda have the ability to transform your awareness to a new level. They have so much visceral experience to tap into, that they are relatable in any situation. They practice what they preach and are inspiring a community in tandem with their own growth.

If you lean into the work, you will have no other outcome than increased awareness and higher consciousness."

Carol-Anne Besler
Intuitive Astrologer

LIM is simplicity, intuitive, and without words. I've spent years in and out of practicing a subset of what you're teaching, but it felt more like I was mining or seeking the resistance/tension within, deliberately 'excavating' it as though it were a project. I stopped doing that but did not segway into a richer more present practice until LIM. LIM is a coming home. Very electric like my body is reconnecting with all its parts - wholeness. So much emotion has been awakened all throughout my body, and I look forward to my daily immersions.

Philip and Amanda-lee are genuine, salt of the earth kind of people with a vast embodiment of that which they teach. They're pioneers for this next wave of expanding consciousness - 'spirituality', that humanity is moving into. It's grounded, practical, profound and simple, can be applied immediately, doesn't need more workshops or money thrown at it - once you truly Know the Living Immersion Method, you are on your own. One doesn't rely upon or answer to another, just their own sovereignty and personal unfolding. Amanda-lee and Philip are the leaders of today and for the many decades to come - they support you in supporting yourself, so you can set yourself free from your own conditioning.

If you're all out of seeking, all out of searching for the next fix, guru, workshop, therapist, healer, life coach, and feel ready to move into and face the very roots within of that which you feel you've needed healing/help for, LIM will help take you there."

Saiful Haque
Artist / Architect
Los Angeles, USA

Before LIM I was highly cognitive in my approach to “feeling”. Although I’ve been doing somatic practices for years as a way of life, I approached my understanding of emotion from a mental model. Through LIM I began to feel the safety in the “chaos” of anxiety and rage. Never have I felt such safety in this storm.

I experience the intricacies and variations of energy that arise within me and others with curiosity and an open heart. This has led to much deeper and more vulnerable interactions with the majority of the people I meet and myself! This expanded gamut of feeling energy in motion feels like a sixth sense I’ve always had, just never sharpened. There is less thinking here, a surrendering to the present moment, no projection of future, no script of past, just pure safety in this NOW.

I am able to experience the heaviness we associate with denser energies we label as discomfort, negative emotions from others and self with a new found curiosity. In many ways I am grateful now to be able to even experience this, the negative the positive the entire symphony of notes we call emotions, regardless of what they are, when they are, I feel raw and ALIVE.

In the program I felt deeply seen and supported, in the way I’ve always yearned for from myself and an other. I have traveled to places that I know not the name of, met entities, felt my body become a noodle as it spun in multiple directions, felt literal lightning shoot through my entire body to the point I thought I was going to be fried, viscerally felt a nurturing presence of something looking directly into me, which many call God.

Philip and Amanda-Lee are deeply caring and compassionate guides on this journey. They do not wish to project or shape our inner experience. They honor our own sovereignty to navigate the unknown without the need for diagrams, or memorization of concepts/terminology, which would just birth another religion and religious leaders. They will not get in between you and God. This is truly a unique experience.

Roxanne Hotchkiss
Intuitive Guide


"Before LIM I struggled to be in my body and present before LIM. Weeks later, the stress and friction in the body and cells melt away like magic. Challenges that once baffled me became easy. I could clearly see a life arriving without fear constantly plaguing me. A newfound strength I had once not known. Deeper healing in the body I have been desperately seeking now started to heal and vanish from my body. All of this was in a practice of stillness and peace.

After the program, I have clearer boundaries with loved ones. I am calmer and more at peace and am now on a new journey of full embodied connection. I am intuitive, so all of the 5 clairs grew to new strengths. I am able to stand up for myself more, no longer from fear, now from certainty.

LIM brought me closer to God.

I can see God clearer now in the wind in the air we breathe, in every single conversation. God is clearer in conversation with me. Life Force has a greater plan for us, so in the surrender that we have learned so effortlessly from Philip and Amanda-Lee anything through consciousness now becomes possible. I had this soul knowing before, but now it has solidified into a deep embodied soul consciousness. God Force flowed through each vein like a magnetic charge gently pulling me to the highest and most aligned path.

Philip and Amanda-Lee are both incredibly empowering and inspiring. I could listen to them both channel and talk all day. I loved their honesty and vulnerability, qualities and virtues I love in leaders. They are both so authentic in there own in right. A divine balance of the masculine and feminine.

I have shared LIM to all my friends, clients, and healers because this work has been life-changing and the next level for all who are seeking deeper layers of understanding. This is the last healing course you will need. I can’t wait to fully embody and then learn how to teach LIM in Philip and Amanda-Lee’s Academy."

Nick Smith
New Zealand

Before LIM I faced challenging cycles in my relationship despite having a strong awareness and learned many tools previously. Progress was being made but was slow and both parties were experiencing hurt in the meantime.

Weeks later, I have never felt more connected to myself. The benefits of LIM have been numerous. More awareness in the moment during previously triggering situations. I eat healthier without feeling I'm sacrificing simply because I can feel how poor food affects my energy. And I also felt into what I previously would have called anxiety using this method and feel the most at peace with it I have ever felt. I do not fear it, put it that way after a profound LIM experience during the course.

Once you know the power of this connection you cannot un-know it.

LIM feels like intense, full-body waves of energy, to light buzzing, to a subtle connection to Life Force when navigating your day-to-day, which results in a feeling of assuredness through all things that arise.

Philip and Amanda-Lee complement each other perfectly. Amanda-Lee provides a beautiful example of living from source as does Philip, however the gift Philip brings is his articulate and illustrative explanations and analogies to help you understand things more easily.

This has been the single most empowering practice and learnings I have ever experienced after trying many modalities throughout my life. I will use LIM daily for life, it is that powerful. What could be more powerful than learning to connect to and embody your own divine expression of Life Force?"

Lena Stahl
Men's Coach, Explorer of Life

Before LIM there was always the thought that answers are outside of me, that I just need to read more, learn more, and do more. It instills a sense of "never done", "not enough time" and creates a rushing through life without allowing for the full presence of what is.

Easing into all that is and how that is informing me about the current alignment to my highest self-expression and desires brings clarity and points the way towards embodied action-taking. However, that clarity isn't always comfortable as it requires taking responsibility for one's own thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

After 8 weeks of surrender, I experience a deeper sense of self and self-guidance, less influence of others' messaging, less doubt about the correct path, and more ease with not knowing/the unknown. It's a deep relaxation into oneself that asks for allowance beyond the level of conditioning experienced since childhood and for the courage to explore and get intimate with all information available as self-informed wisdom.

The experience of LIM can range from deep relaxation and acceptance of the self to agitation to a point of anger and frustration with oneself. Some days clarity creates a pleasant experience, while other days are a spinning wheel of thought and emotion and the acceptance of what it's pointing at can feel so uncomfortable that one's eyes just pop open to stop the intensity of that sensation or insight. It's insight nonetheless. LIM is the closest one gets to the power of Life Force.

Not knowing Philip and Amanda-Lee, just surrendering to the call of the experience itself, feels easy. They consistently show up with authenticity and vulnerability that feels incredibly welcoming. Even though it's a serious practice, the way we laughed throughout the sessions made it a very connected and human experience. Each individual experience, question, and doubt is being met with respect and tender curiosity. The deep insight and alternative perspective on our perception have been opening my heart and mind to a more loving acceptance of myself. I deeply appreciate the very personal shares, the vulnerable glimpse into the challenges of their partnership, how the feminine and masculine affect each other, and how it can be navigated when both partners are clear on their commitment. Philip and very inspiring."

Emma Winterbourn
VP Enterprise, Wife & Mother

Before Somatic Heart and LIM I was deeply dysregulated, ungrounded, and forcing my will to create something I wanted so hard. I was exhausted, desperate, unfulfilled, and confused, and although I had achieved all the "things" in life people say are great, I felt empty. I had tried courses, meditations, healers, you name it I did it. I was constantly seeking answers outside of me, but it never felt right. I never felt steady or grounded and I felt I didn't know myself or have any connection to God or Life Force. I was constantly in overdrive, hypervigilant. I. Felt. Broken.

LIM helped me really feel into how to surrender my will, how to loosen my grip of control which was only ever an illusion anyway. It forced me into sovereignty which I never valued before but now see the power of; turning to myself and allowing Life Force to flow through me and open up possibilities that my mind could never have conceived is just ....there are no words.

I have been navigating through issues in my life during this course that have left me feeling so raw beyond anything I've ever felt before; my marriage challenges, facing that I've built a career doing things I hate, and a feeling of total emptiness, contemplating the possibility that I may have to give everything I've worked so hard all my life for up in order to follow what feels right, and just facing so much fear, deep emotion, and grappling with control vs. being a vessel of co-creation through God.

I now have created a career opportunity that feels so aligned, exciting, and joyful and it's only the tip of the iceberg. More importantly, I feel like I'm living in my truth, and I'm able to be steady in everything challenging that has arisen. I no longer need to "trust" an outside source, or keep seeking answers from external sources.

I've let go of all my other programs, healers and therapies, and also let go of so much forcing. I am moving so much closer to being a vessel of co-creation, to truly feeling that support from Life Force, and have already seen proof of it in my physical world.

I am much more aware of and sensitive to the energy of things, and able to more clearly judge if something is right or if it's bringing up tension for me. I have struggled with anxiety all of my life, and it has been SO incredibly freeing to not see what is arising as a problem that needs to be fixed, I cannot begin to find words to express how much this has set me free. To no longer feel I am a broken woman that needs fixing is beautiful, and I'm eternally grateful for it. To feel strong, even when incredibly intense things are arising, or I'm feeling raw, is a new and wonderful thing I got from doing LIM. I feel equipped.

I feel like I'm beginning to tap into co-creation in my life the way I have always wanted, this is the only path I need now. After decades of seeking externally, I've been given the gift of knowing exactly how to communicate with Life Force and ALLOW it to flow through me and create more beauty and abundance in my life than I ever imagined. It feels true. It feels empowering. It feels wonderful. My life will never be the same, in the best way. Honestly, this course should be taught to every single child and adult in the world. To be set free from doing life in such a difficult way, to have a clear path of ease, is just beautiful, and so sacred.

LIM energy has a texture, no name, no clear link to anything in my life specifically, but it feels like the deepest and purest of truths, and like I can be led safely. In short, now I actually have a relationship with God/Life Force that feels like a real connection, and like a connection I have whether I'm in a lying down immersion or going through my daily life. This relationship feels like it's all I really needed.

In the container I just felt so supported, so seen, and so honored for the experience I was going through. I felt genuine care. I reveled in the expert knowledge and the incredible wisdom from both of you. The sessions felt like a transmission of energy that was so sacred, useful, and powerful, and drove me to greater depths of both cognitive understanding of the how, and also greater depths of my experiences in immersions.

You just have to DO IT. An old meditation teacher told me that intuition was not always big thing that hits you in the face, it can also be a soft small voice, or a calling, or as she said, just something that feels charming. She said if you follow what feels charming or interesting or you're somehow drawn to it in life then you won't go wrong. I felt that strongly here, I just had a knowing, and despite my worries about money and time differences and all the things I just followed that knowing. Doing that delivered me with experiences beyond my wildest imagination, and most importantly a lifelong set of tools and the important HOW that nobody ever seems to be able to articulate. How do I surrender? How do I trust? How do I manifest? The actual answers and how were all in this for me, and SO much more. This was so worth it, and I feel confident anyone doing it would feel the same."

Robyn Engelbrecht
South Africa

Before LIM I was feeling unsure about my purpose, and how to create/market offerings in a way that feels authentic. I was aware of certain deep-seated patterns still playing out in my life related to money, relationships, and my expression. Most of all, I was feeling the longing to be living and cocreating from a space of more freedom, alignment, and sovereignty.

During the program, I was able to see certain patterns in myself more deeply than I ever had before, through learning to build more intimacy and safety within myself. I discovered that I am able to hold myself at depths of vulnerability that I never knew I could. Through the group container that Philip and Amanda-Lee held, began, for the first time, to really taste what it is to be sovereign, and to hold the unshakeable knowing that whatever is arising, I am able to meet that energy within myself, and the trust that even if I don't have the capacity to fully meet it right now, I am day by day building that capacity through LIM.

The program has been a turning point in my life, it feels like a full recalibration, and what I have received, is something that no amount of money could buy.

I feel a tangible difference in the way I relate to others, especially in the way I can move through any triggers that come up for me. Although I am only at the beginning stages of stepping into my purpose, after the program, I feel so much trust that the clarity around my next steps will come, and that I will be able to create a business and to be in service from a place of deep integrity. I feel the real journey is only just beginning, and I am leaving the program with immense gratitude, and a beautiful sense of devotion to continuing to deepen in this embodiment, knowing that the impacts are and will continue to ripple out into every aspect of my life.

I feel Life Force moving through me in a way I never have before. The only way I can try to describe it is that I felt myself being flooded with God. I feel a deeper trust than I ever have before with the intelligence of this energy.

My experience working with Philip and Amanda-Lee far surpassed expectations. It was so beautiful to feel the immense devotion that they hold toward the work they are bringing through, and to each and every one of us in the container. To feel their union has inspired me to new potentials of what is possible in relationship and purpose. And of course, their embodiment of what they are teaching is tangibly felt. The transmissions they brought through on every live call were incredibly powerful and could not have felt more aligned, and the depth, safety, and authenticity of the container they held was reflected in the depth of the sharings from each person in the group. They made each one of us feel deeply seen, whether it was through responding with felt devotion to every single question in the Telegram group, or through the space they held for each of us to share on the calls, or the ways they would so beautifully reflect each one of us back to ourselves.

As someone who has dived deep into several spiritual traditions, healing modalities over many years, in my experience, no one is teaching what Philip and Amanda-Lee are. For me, LIM has been the missing piece that has given me the 'how' to truly step into sovereignty."

Chelsea Giedd
Embodiment Guide

Before LIM, I found myself navigating a divorce and finding it difficult to process through some of the tough emotions coming through. I wanted a space to be able to transmute those emotions that was different than what I was doing through somatics. I was also feeling a bit lost in my business direction, and wanted to approach my business in a more aligned way versus trying to manifest and mold it into what I thought it should be.

I started to lean on LIM as a way to process through my tough emotions. Instead of moving them through me with dancing and somatics, I learned how to merge with them and really alchemize them into my body. I also experienced the ultimate surrender of control, letting every aspect of my life go to God and knowing that I am divinely supported, guided and led in my journey.

It's been wild to witness how much I have drastically changed in these 8 weeks from the way I look at and experience things to the way I am able to fully surrender and release control. New clients are finding me, I'm getting referrals from past clients and my retreats are filling up all without me literally doing anything.

I feel a lot of tingly in my entire body every time I do an immersion. I often feel as though my body is so heavy and dense I couldn't move it even if I tried. I've had some really unique experiences of feeling like I'm no longer breathing but instead becoming one with the universe and the breath of all life.

I was very pleasantly surprised at the amount of love and care that went into this program from both Amanda-Lee and Philip. It's obvious how much you both care for this work, each other and everyone that has entered into your program. Very grateful to have been a part of this process. Thank you so much for everything you do!"

Jon W.

"I came across Philip's instagram page some months ago. Right from the start I felt something different about the way he spoke about consciousness and just life in general. It really resonated with me in such a unique way. I have seen a few therapists over the years but that never quite clicked for me. I always felt like the sessions were never "authentic."

Something deep within told me to give Philip and Amanda-Lee's method a try. I signed up for the LIM course and after day 1 I knew this was going to help me. I just knew it. Fast forward to a couple weeks after the course and I am beginning to get a real feel for the technique and I feel I am on the right road to self-mastery.
Each day during the course I was met with profound realizations while listening to Philip and Amanda-Lee speak.

These people have a special gift. I cannot even begin to describe it with words. They are exceedingly special folks.

I still have a long way to go on my journey, but discovering Philip and Amanda-Lee was a major catalyst for internal growth and healing. I now under/innerstand that I am co-creating my own reality every single day in every single moment.

This method has taught me that all the power, resources, and information I could ever need already reside within me.

The gratitude I feel is immense. Thank you again to you both."

Iykechi McCoy
Actor & Eternal Student


"Being ushered into a practice such as this is revolutionary to say the least. Before the program, having been in 3 of Philip’s past cohorts, I was doing well honestly. I was catching patterns, making changes here and there and learning to love myself deeper and deeper. At the same time as these things it did seem like I would come up against a insurmountable wall at times like there was a cap on my growth. I had so many tools in my toolkit yet I lacked a clear process in which I could utilize with true sovereignty. The LIM program gave me that process and the wall was completely obliterated.

I began to truly embody my masculine energy and how that’s sincerely expressed through me. I changed bad habits with money. I became a safer space for myself and all that’s arising within me knowing that it’s all intelligence to integrate. People began coming into my life that love to love on me and don’t want to do anything less than that consistently. There’s probably even more as I type this haha because this is a lifelong adventure. Having the LIM serve as my foundation now makes me embody the knowing that as long as I am consistent in the practice and am patient, life will continue to surprise me and support me beyond my wildest imaginations."


(From Philip's Private 1:1 Clients and Other Programs)

Lisa Berkowitz
Executive Embodiment Coach

"We are accessing something so true, so eternal, and finally in a way that is not just glimpsed, but embodied and radiated in a sustainable way.

Mina R.
Global Financial Advisor

This method changes you from the inside out, you become the highest, purest version of yourself. You realign with your own connection to everything that is God. You learn to laugh in the face of anything that you no longer resonate with. You tap into your own power, there is no denying how much you can change, that the people around you may not recognize you or want to know the real new you.

You finally become clear and everything makes sense even when you don't have all the answers. You are confident, you have no fear, you are real but so not real anymore.

This method changes your relationship with self, loved ones, social status, all aspects of your existence, all without ego. You feel things more and feel less at the same time, you want to do more for your self and you also have time for your loved ones, you have the time to do everything you want, you learn about the things that matter to you, you fall in love with yourself and so your life can really begin.

You realize the things and patterns of your former self that have had you bound, all restricting your movement and voice, these things have no hold over you anymore, you are freed from what held you so tightly and your heart opens.

I recall sitting down for my first Zoom day, which I barely had time for, which I barely made, and I recall Philip saying, take a note of how you are feeling this very moment. I recall how I felt, and that person simply does not exist anymore."
“I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to live a beautiful, meaningful and empowered life from the inside out. This program is for those that want to live on their highest timeline untainted of trauma so that their original blueprint can naturally attract their best life. It’s been such a profound experience."

— Sumit Atwal

Chelese P.
Executive Leadership Coach

"After completing the immersion, I gained greater clarity in all aspects of my life. Specifically: Released tension and unhealthy energy around the relationship with my ex-husband. ~ Clear sight regarding my business resulting in leaning into preferred vendor status versus subcontracting, which sets the foundation for scalability more abundantly and sustainably. ~ I feel a sense of I AMness like never before. I am trusting life more which has neutralized my hyper-vigilant tendencies. ~An overall sense of greater well-being.

The immersion lives were a much-needed boost of inspiration, reflection, and empowerment. The group dynamic amplified the learning and created a beautiful bond with the other participants. 

Working with Philip has been life-changing; his ability to articulate and explain complex energetic principles so everyone can get exactly what they need for their expansion is impressive. I believe he is on the cutting edge in this arena. I feel blessed to be a member of the community and recommend this practice to anyone who has been led to Philip's teachings; it will change the way you see things within yourself and in the world."

Gayle D.
Retired 8-fig Tech Entrepreneur

"There is powerful positive energy, compassion, knowledge, and love that you will feel all around you. Philip is an extremely good communicator, mentor & coach. He takes the complex and brings clarity to it as well as simplicity.

You will not find a better source or program, you will gain more than you can imagine. I have taken many a course, with many different teachers, including an executive coach for 15 years. I’ve gained more from this program than anything else I’ve done. Game changer as you walk away with a process you can use for a lifetime. A process that will open your heart to receive and give the love we are born with, learn to deal with any trauma and free your mind to creativity we all need more of. Being a part of the program was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I didn’t have to think long about joining. I only needed to listen to Philip’s approach to life to understand this was a fantastic fit for me.”

Community Testimonials 

From Our Private Community for Daily Support from Philip & Amanda-Lee

[email protected] 
* All testimonials shared are from clients that worked hard to earn their results. Everyone is different and these clients understood that they manifest their own reality by showing up and doing the work necessary to change their own lives. They are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the similar results.

** Do not stop taking any medications without speaking to your physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, mental health provider or other health care professional. We are not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure in any manner whatsoever any physical ailment, or any mental or emotional issue, disease or condition.