For Advanced Level Coaches/Practitioners, Here's Why Your Impact is Plateauing...

At a mastery level, relying on guidance from a coach or therapist can prevent you from merging in union with life's intelligence to expand beyond limited human conditioning.

Read on for why...

At beginner to intermediate levels, of course, you can find some level of safety and clarity from working with a mindset coach, therapist, or practitioner.

However, this is where codependently working with someone to analyze your life from the outside restricting the expansion of your impact and legacy.

The energetic reality is there is no separation between you and your challenges, as your challenges are a direct expression of you.

Your disconnection from the full energetic expression of any challenge as it arises is disabling your ability to collect vital energetic data the moment it arises.

The moment you separate the challenge from yourself you are not able to see the fullness of the problem as a whole expression of energy in your life.

You have compartmentalized the problem which blinds you from connecting to immediate expanded solutions sourced directly from life's intelligence.

When you live in separation from life's challenges, instead of embodying the fullness of the intelligence in the moment, then you may feel the need to seek outside guidance to help find safety and clarity.

At a beginner to intermediate stage in your growth this is helpful of course, however, at a mastery level here is where outside support is limiting...

Any outside support at this stage is a fractalized perception as it is not originating from your own connection to the vital data the moment the energy of the challenge was arising.

You essentially missed your window to see the full data of the entire challenge as it was intelligently expressing itself.

You are then working from limited memory asking a practitioner to offer you guidance, of which their perception, by the nature of their separation from the moment of your challenge, is a fractalized perception of

your problem, offering a fractalized solution.

You are now stuck in a quantum mirrored loop of repeated conditioning within consciousness, never truly expanding beyond the limitations of human conditioning.

This repetition between you and your practitioner is not allowing you to get to the core algorithm of your challenges on your own, so you will continue to repeat your patterns until YOU see clearly the full energetic expression of the ROOT ENERGY of the challenge the VERY MOMENT it is arising, without any 3rd party guidance.

Much like a carbon copy analyzing a carbon copy when neither of you is directly connected to the source in the moment.

At an advanced level by seeking outside support, you are moving away from wholeness and continuing to live life in separation, which is why you still have blind spots.

Living as if there is a 'you' and 'your problem' and 'a practitioner' to seek guidance from, instead of just living in the wholeness of the intelligence of what is as one, and allowing what is to intelligently inform you

However, when you immerse yourself in Life Force alone, without a therapist or mindset coach guiding you through their own fractalized consciousness, you now have access to infinite Life Force intelligence to OPEN UP ENTIRELY NEW FRACTALS OF POTENTIAL WITHIN OUR UNIFIED FIELD - New Life Force energy available for expansion, UNTETHERED to collective conditioning.

It is here life is inviting us to take full energetic ownership in each now moment in order to expand human consciousness beyond the repeated fractals of past conditioned expressions.

This is how you create a lasting impact and legacy that expands human consciousness because you are expanding outside of the limitations of repeated human conditioning.

This post was written in union with my love, Amanda-Lee.


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